We will work hard to give blood diseases and cancer patients a better environment.
The crisis of losing one’s health can come without warning. It brings pain, despair and misery to our lives. However, there is no crisis that cannot be overcome.
Today, with the development of new medicines, the rate of cure and the quality of life of blood cancer patients is getting higher and higher. Therefore, sharing the experiences of patients with the same disease brings seeds of hopes for blood cancer patients and their families.
The Korean Society of Blood and Cancer is a non-profit organization that helps patients to cope with the disease through economic and emotional support and work on a variety of disease education programs to help people understand the disease and make their life better. We make periodical publications and distribute them free of charge. We take part in international organizations and conferences in the USA, Japan, Europe, etc. looking at keeping up-to-date and provide better support programs.

Kontakt : Chul Hwan Lee (Exec Director) / Wonyoung Jang (General Manager of KBDCA) Tel +82 2 3432 0807
Email : bloodcancer@daum.net /
+82 2 3432 0807