The MDS Foundation, Inc. is an international organization established in 1994 by world renowned researchers dedicated to further scientific knowledge, patient support, and education in the myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
The Foundation is based on the premise that international cooperation will accelerate the process leading to the control and cure of MDS. The Foundation provides research grants for scientific investigators, sponsors international working groups of scientists and physicians to further diagnostic, prognostic and treatment techniques, and disseminates information on state of the art research, clinical trials and treatments among the profesional and patient communities.
The Foundation also refers patients to its collection of ‘MDS Centers of Excellence,’ maintains an electronic fórum on its website for interaction and Support among patients, and provides educational programs for both health care professionals and patients and their families.

Contacto : Tracey Iraca, Executive Director
Email : /
1-(800)-637-0839 (inside the US) 1-609-298-1035 (outside the US)