The Myeloma, Lymphoma & Leukaemia Foundation of Barbados (MLLF)
The Foundation was founded in 2002 and is governed by an Executive body of twelve persons. Our Mission is to provide Comprehensive support for persons affected with blood related cancers in Barbados.
Our objectives
- SUPPORT: To provide a support network for suffers for blood related cancers and their families.
- EDUCATION: To educate patients, their families, caregivers and the Barbadian public about blood cancers.
- ADVOCACY: To act as an agent on behalf of such persons on matters pertaining to blood related cancers.
- FINANCIAL: To assist financially where possible.
Service Offered
- Upon diagnosis of the specific type of haematological cancer the patient has, educational material is given to the patients and family member.
- Bi-weekly Educational and counselling Session at the Haematology Clinic of Elizabeth Hospital. 3. MLLF offers educational outreach in the community as the need arises and upon request from organization and Service – Clubs, Schools also from persons in the community.
- MLLF has established the Dalton Durant patient Assistance and Prescription Medication Programme for patients who are unable to purchase their medication, when these medications are not on the Barbados Drug Formulary.
- Assistance is given for other medical services. X-rays, MRI, Blood Tests and other Laboratory tests. At times, a small donation is given to a patient going overseas for treatments. We also provide for non-medical items such as food items, the house rent, school supply and any other assistance that may occurred.
- Funeral Grant: This grant was established to assist very needy families in their most difficult times.
- The MLLF provides for home and hospital visits.
- We supply toiletries, food items, floral arrangements, wheelchairs and any other services that are appropriate to patients during hospitalization and home visits.
- Furniture and equipment are donated to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Haematological Clinic for patient’s use.
- We were able to ascertain from the data collected in this registry the most frequent blood cancers in Barbados.
- The MLLF is committed to research and will assist financially in this area.
FUNDING: The Foundation receives its funding through Fund-raising, Corporate and other donation made to the foundation.
Contacto : Myrna Edwards – PresidentHyacinth Grimes – Vice President
Email : /
(246) 435-1582