English Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Default Intro
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
German Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Spanish Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
French Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Italian Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Dutch Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Brazilian Portuguese Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Russian Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
Korean Intro text
To better understand and raise awareness of patients with MDS’ issues and needs, the MDS Alliance has designed the MDS Global Survey. The survey includes a validated quality of life tool (QUALMS) and is available in 11 languages. The insights gathered will support patients, caregivers, and advocates around the world to better understand quality of life and access challenges for patients with MDS and to raise awareness of MDS.
If you are a patient with MDS or a caregiver on behalf of a patient with MDS, please take our survey below.
Prior to completing, please note the following important information:
- It is very important that you complete the full survey so that we have a complete data set for each respondent
- The survey is completely anonymous and confidential. Please read our Privacy Notice for more information
- Please have any information about your diagnosis with MDS available prior to starting the survey
- The survey will take 20-30 minutes to complete
As someone who has been diagnosed with MDS, or as the caregiver of a patient with MDS, your open and honest input is important.
This survey will collect information to help make decisions about how to improve patients with MDS’ quality of life and access to care. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. We are committed to protecting the personal data of all participants. To learn more about how we process your personal data, please read our Privacy Notice.
Please use our downloadable assets to share the survey on your social channels.
Globale Umfrage über MDS
Wir bedanken uns im Voraus, dass Sie sich bereit erklärt haben, an dieser Umfrage für MDS Alliance teilzunehmen. Da bei Ihnen oder einem von Ihnen betreuten Patienten MDS diagnostiziert wurde, schätzen wir Ihren offenen und ehrlichen Beitrag sehr. Die Umfrage sollte nicht länger als 20 Minuten Ihrer Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
Mit dieser Umfrage erheben wir Informationen, um Entscheidungen darüber treffen zu können, wie man die Lebensqualität von Patienten mit MDS und deren Zugang zu Versorgung verbessern kann. Die Teilnahme an dieser Umfrage ist vollkommen freiwillig. Wir verpflichten uns, die personenbezogenen Daten aller Teilnehmer zu schützen. Wenn Sie mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten, lesen Sie bitte unseren Datenschutzhinweis hier.
Encuesta mundial de SMD
Gracias de antemano por aceptar realizar esta encuesta para la MDS Alliance. Como alguien al que han diagnosticado SMD, o como cuidador/a de un paciente con SMD, su opinión abierta y honesta es importante. La encuesta no debería llevarle más de 20 minutos.
Esta encuesta recogerá información para ayudar a tomar decisiones sobre cómo mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con SMD y su acceso a la asistencia sanitaria. La participación en esta encuesta es totalmente voluntaria. Nos comprometemos a proteger los datos personales de todos los participantes. Para obtener más información sobre cómo tratamos sus datos personales, lea nuestro Aviso de Privacidad aquí.
Sondage mondial sur les MDS
Merci d’avance d’avoir accepté de répondre à ce sondage pour MDS Alliance. En tant que personne ayant reçu un diagnostic de MDS ou en tant que soignant d’un patient atteint de MDS, votre contribution ouverte et honnête est importante. Répondre à ce sondage ne devrait pas vous prendre plus de 20 minutes de votre temps.
Ce sondage permettra de recueillir des informations pour aider à la prise de décisions sur la manière d’améliorer la qualité de vie des patients atteints de MDS et leur accès aux soins. La participation à ce sondage est entièrement volontaire. Nous nous engageons à protéger les données personnelles de tous les participants. Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont nous traitons vos données personnelles, veuillez lire notre Avis de confidentialité ici.
Sondaggio globale sulla MDS
La ringraziamo in anticipo per aver accettato di completare questo sondaggio per MDS Alliance. Come persona che ha ricevuto una diagnosi di MDS o caregiver di un paziente con MDS, il Suo contributo aperto e onesto è importante. Il completamento del sondaggio non dovrebbe richiedere più di 20 minuti.
Questo sondaggio raccoglierà informazioni per aiutare a prendere decisioni su come migliorare la qualità della vita dei pazienti con MDS e il loro accesso alle cure. La partecipazione al sondaggio è completamente volontaria. Ci impegniamo a proteggere i dati personali di tutti i partecipanti. Per sapere di più su come trattiamo i Suoi dati personali, legga la nostra Informativa sulla privacy qui.
Wereldwijde MDS-enquête
We willen u bij voorbaat bedanken voor uw deelname aan deze enquête voor de MDS Alliance. Omdat er bij u MDS is vastgesteld, of omdat u voor iemand met MDS zorgt, stellen we uw open en oprechte mening zeer op prijs. Het invullen van de enquête neemt as het goed is niet langer dan 20 minuten in beslag.
Met deze enquête verzamelen we informatie op basis waarvan we betere besluiten kunnen nemen omtrent de kwaliteit van leven van patiënten met MDS en hun toegang tot zorg. Deelname aan deze enquête is geheel vrijwillig. Wij verbinden ons ertoe de persoonsgegevens van alle deelnemers te beschermen. Meer informatie over hoe we met uw persoonsgegevens omgaan vindt u in onze privacyverklaring hier.
Brazilian Portuguese
Pesquisa da MDS Alliance
Agradecemos antecipadamente a sua participação na pesquisa da MDS Alliance. Seja na posição de alguém que recebeu o diagnóstico de SMD ou de cuidador(a) de um paciente com SMD, a sua opinião sincera é importante para nós. A pesquisa não deve levar mais do que 20 minutos.
Esta pesquisa levantará informações para nos ajudar a tomar decisões sobre como melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com SMD e seu acesso aos cuidados necessários. A sua participação nesta pesquisa é totalmente voluntária. Temos o compromisso de proteger os dados pessoais de todos os participantes. Para mais informações sobre como os seus dados pessoais são processados, leia a nossa Declaração de Privacidade aqui.
Глобальный опрос пациентов с диагнозом МДС
Благодарим за согласие участвовать в данном опросе, проводимом организацией MDS Alliance. Мы будем признательны вам за честные и открытые ответы при заполнении данного опроса в качестве пациента с диагнозом МДС или лица, ухаживающего за пациентом с МДС. Заполнение опроса займет не более 20 минут.
В ходе данного опроса мы собираем информацию, которая поможет в принятии решений о том, как повысить качество жизни пациентов с МДС и расширить возможности получения ими лечения и ухода. Участие в данном опросе абсолютно добровольное. Мы берем на себя обязательства по защите персональных данных всех участников. Для получения дополнительных сведений об обработке ваших персональных данных вы можете ознакомиться с нашим Уведомлением о порядке использования личной информации здесь.
MDS 글로벌 설문조사
본 MDS 연합 설문조사 작성에 동의해주셔서 미리 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. MDS로 진단을 받은 사람이든, MDS 환자의 간병인이든, 솔직하고 개방적인 의견이 중요합니다. 설문조사를 완료하는 데는 20분 이상 걸리지 않습니다.
본 설문조사는 MDS 환자의 삶의 질 개선과 의료 이용에 관한 결정에 도움이 되는 정보를 수집합니다. 본 설문조사의 참여는 전적으로 자발적입니다. 모든 참가자의 개인 데이터를 보호하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 개인 데이터를 처리하는 방법에 관한 자세한 내용을 알아보려면, 개인정보보호 고시를 읽어보십시오. 여기.