Patientennetz Schweiz is a non-profit, all volunteer led organisation which was formed in 2001 and became a formal Association in 2005. Our main objective is to provide information and give support and guidance to patients and their families – by telephone and online.
We want to raise the Awareness of MDS in Switzerland and to connect MDS patients for information and experience exchange and give emotional support to patients, their relatives and friends during a life-stage characterized by illness and insecurity and to offer them this platform. We provide MDS patients and their relatives with information booklets.
Our services:
- Patient support in coping with and living beyond lymphoma. (by Telephone, Email, in person)
- Patient support groups in different Swiss regions:
- Production and distribution of information material (booklets, flyers) about different lymphoma types and CLL, Cutaneous lymphoma and MDS. ·
- Website
- Experience and information exchange with other patient organisations in the field in order to expand the network and join forces.
- Educational symposium like on the occasion of WLAD Organisation of patient symposiums in order to strengthen Awareness about the disease types
- Participation in advisory boards and medical events
The following MDS information booklets from our German friends are available:
- Therapiebegleiter zu Myelodysplastischen Syndromen (MDS),
Published by: LHRM, Rüsselsheim - Wie funktioniert mein Knochenmark
Published by: MDS Foundation - Myelodysplastische Syndrome (MDS) – Von Patient zu Patient,
Published by: Leukämie Lymphom Liga e.V., Düsseldorf

Contact : Rosmarie Pfau
Email : /
+41 61 421 09 27