
AIL – Associazione Italiana contro Leucemie Linfoma e Mieloma

  • AIL nasce nel 1969 assieme ai primi reparti di Ematologia, con lo scopo di finanziare la ricerca scientifica e lo sviluppo di centri specializzati sul territorio nazionale. Nel tempo l’Associazione è riuscita a creare una rete di sostegno e assistenza, diventando un punto di riferimento per l’Ematologia e per i pazienti in Italia.
  • AIL promuove e sostiene la ricerca scientifica per la cura delle leucemie, dei linfomi e del mieloma; assiste i pazienti e le famiglie accompagnandoli in tutte le fasi del percorso attraverso la malattia con servizi adeguati alle loro esigenze; si propone di migliorare la qualità di vita dei malati e di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica alla lotta contro le malattie del sangue.

Italian Association against Leukemia Lymphoma and Myeloma

  • AIL was founded in 1969 together with the first hematology departments, with the aim of financing scientific research and the development of specialized centers throughout the country. Over time, the association has managed to create a support and assistance network, becoming a point of reference for Hematology patients in Italy.
  • AIL promotes and supports scientific research for the treatment of leukemia, lymphomas and myeloma; assists patients and families by accompanying them in all phases of the path through the disease with services adapted to their needs; aims to improve the quality of life of the sick and to raise public awareness of the fight against blood diseases.


Blodkreftforeningen is a nationwide Norwegian organization for people who have or have had blood cancer-related diseases – as well as their relatives.
The association’s main goal is to contribute to a better life for its members.

Key tasks:

  1.  to support blood cancer patients and their relatives, and conduct peer work
  2. disseminate patient – and relative- oriented information about blood cancer, especially about progress and new treatment methods, as well as about the association’s activities
  3. advocacy work with politicians, authorities and health care professionals
  4. raising awareness among the general public about blood cancer and the association’s activities

Blodkreftforeningen er en landsomfattende organisasjon for personer som har eller har hatt en blodkreftrelatert sykdom, samt pårørende til disse.

Foreningens hovedformål er å bidra til et bedre liv for sine medlemmer, gjennom påvirkning og interessearbeid overfor myndigheter og helsevesen og ved å spre kunnskap om blodkreft og Blodkreftforeningen til samfunnet.

Informasjonspredning skjer gjennom medlemsbladet, I margen, nettside og sosiale medier. Foreningen har lokallag over hele landet, samt driver likepersonarbeid for personer som har, eller har hatt blodkreftrelaterte sykdommer – samt pårørende til disse.

The White Cell Foundation

The White Cell Foundation (TWCF) is a non-profit organization established to create awareness about blood cancers in Nigeria and to provide support for people with blood cancers and their families.


To improve the survival and quality of life of people with blood cancers and their families in Nigeria.
The 3-prong approach to accomplish our mission:

  • Research: Conduct research to find innovative solutions to the challenges of blood cancer in Nigeria.
  • Support: Provide support for blood cancer patients and their families.
  • Awareness: Create awareness about blood cancers.

Cancer Support Community (CSC)

The Cancer Support Community (CSC) is a global non-profit network of 175 locations, including CSC and Gilda’s Club centers, hospital and clinic partnerships, and satellite locations that deliver more than $50 million in free support services to patients and families.

The in-person locations alone record 500,000 visits each year. In addition, CSC administers a toll-free helpline
and produces award-winning educational resources that, together with the locations, reach more than one million people each year. Formed in 2009 by the merger of The Wellness Community and Gilda’s Club, CSC also conducts cutting-edge research on the emotional, psychological, and financial journey of cancer patients.

In addition, CSC advocates at all levels of government for policies to help individuals whose lives have been disrupted by cancer. In January 2018, CSC welcomed Denver-based nonprofit, a digital community that
includes 35,000 patients, caregivers, and their supporters that will enable CSC to scale its digital services in an innovative, groundbreaking way.

The Myeloma, Lymphoma & Leukaemia Foundation of Barbados (MLLF)

The Foundation was founded in 2002 and is governed by an Executive body of twelve persons. Our Mission is to provide Comprehensive support for persons affected with blood related cancers in Barbados.

Our objectives

  • SUPPORT: To provide a support network for suffers for blood related cancers and their families.          
  • EDUCATION: To educate patients, their families, caregivers and the Barbadian public about blood cancers.
  • ADVOCACY: To act as an agent on behalf of such persons on matters pertaining to blood related cancers.
  • FINANCIAL: To assist financially where possible.

Service Offered


  • Upon diagnosis of the specific type of haematological cancer the patient has, educational material is given to the patients and family member.
  • Bi-weekly Educational and counselling Session at the Haematology Clinic of Elizabeth Hospital. 3. MLLF offers educational outreach in the community as the need arises and upon request from organization and Service – Clubs, Schools also from persons in the community.


  • MLLF has established the Dalton Durant patient Assistance and Prescription Medication Programme for patients who are unable to purchase their medication, when these medications are not on the Barbados Drug Formulary.
  • Assistance is given for other medical services. X-rays, MRI, Blood Tests and other Laboratory tests. At times, a small donation is given to a patient going overseas for treatments. We also provide for non-medical items such as food items, the house rent, school supply and any other assistance that may occurred.
  • Funeral Grant: This grant was established to assist very needy families in their most difficult times.


  • The MLLF provides for home and hospital visits.
  • We supply toiletries, food items, floral arrangements, wheelchairs and any other services that are appropriate to patients during hospitalization and home visits.
  • Furniture and equipment are donated to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Haematological Clinic for patient’s use.


  • The Dalton Durant HAEMATOLOGICAL CANCER REGISTRY 2005-2009.
  • We were able to ascertain from the data collected in this registry the most frequent blood cancers in Barbados.
  • The MLLF is committed to research and will assist financially in this area.

FUNDING: The Foundation receives its funding through Fund-raising, Corporate and other donation made to the foundation.


ESPERANTRA is a non-profit organization, founded in 2005 with the purpose of contributing to the reduction of mortality from high risk non-communicable diseases (cancer; high-cost, rare chronic diseases). ESPERANTRA works for:

  • Health promotion, allowing people to gain control over their health.
  • Health prevention by communicating about healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases.
  • Improving the quality of life of patients by promoting their capacity building and advocating for equality in access to quality treatments and innovative care.


For civil society

  • Educational campaigns about healthy habits to prevent illnesses and communicate the need for preventive check-ups and health control.
  • Communication of health rights and duties.
  • Medical appointments for free preventive check-ups, donation of medicines.
  • Research and proposal of public health policies in favor of patients.

For patients and caregivers

  • Personalised psychological assistance.
  • Nutritional counselling.
  • Personalised complementary therapies.
  • Support groups.
  • Education of patients about their illness, the healthcare system and access to healthcare.
  • Drug and treatment donation.
  • Health Rights Advocacy.

HEMA: Association for help & support of patients with haematological diseases & their caregivers

The Association HEMA is dedicated to changing outcomes for patients with hematology diseases and giving support to caregivers by strengthening patient advocacy in this area.

It aims to deliver tailored support to patients and caregivers on a national level while joining forces with other institutions (Governmental and non-governmental), physicians and other organizations in order to review and assist with the reform on healthcare policies and research across the country and provide our patients with up-to-date therapies and better quality of life. 

Здружението за помош и поддршка на пациенти со хематолошки заболувања и нивни негуватели ХЕМА Скопје е доброволна, непрофитна, невладина, непартиска организација формирана со слободно здружување на граѓаните со цел да им понудиме поддршка и информации на пациентите, негувателите и семејствата, засегнати од хематолошки заболувања, да лобираме да им се овозможи на овие пациенти да имаат подобар и еднаков пристап до квалитетна и современа терапија и современи третмани и лекување  кое им е достапнo на пациентите од Западна Европа и останатите развиени земји и преку кампањи и други активности да го подобриме нивниот квалитет на живот како и да ја подигнеме свеста за хематолошките заболувања.

ADL – Association for the Support of Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma

ADL – Association for the Support of Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma is the oldest Portuguese Association founded in 1997. It was born at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário in São João do Porto and has its activity recognized and legalized in this Institution.

This is a project for patients and family members that aims to complement medical and hospital work. ADL was recognized as an IPSS (Private Institution of Social Solidarity) and all the work developed is done on a voluntary basis.

Our objectives are: to humanize the health services associated with the treatment of blood cancers; train and inform patients, families and health professionals who cope and deal with these conditions; and seek solutions to problems at the medical, social, professional and legal levels.

“We believe that teaching and enlightening is the most effective way to help patients.” Maria José Parreira, MD, founder of ADL.


AELCLÉS is a non-profit Spanish network of Entities founded in 2009, formed from a group of associations with a shared objective: to help patients and their families affected by blood cancer diseases to regain their health by supporting them throughout their treatment. Speaking as one united voice and driven by the social needs of patients and their families. We seek to improve their quality of life and place essential emphasis on support for research.

Additionally, a prime objective of AELCLÉS is to raise the profile of Leukemia, Myeloma, Lymphoma, and other blood diseases disorders and make people aware of the importance of donating blood, bone marrow, and blood from an umbilical cord.

AELCLÉS es una red española de Entidades sin ánimo de lucro fundada en 2009, formada a partir de un grupo de asociaciones con un objetivo común: ayudar a los pacientes y sus familiares afectados por enfermedades oncohematógicas de la sangre a recuperar su salud apoyándolos durante todo su tratamiento. Hablando como una sola voz e impulsado por las necesidades sociales de los pacientes y sus familias. Buscamos mejorar su calidad de vida y ponemos un énfasis fundamental en el apoyo a la investigación.

Además, un objetivo principal de AELCLÉS es elevar el perfil de la leucemia, mieloma, linfoma y otras enfermedades de la sangre y concienciar a las personas sobre la importancia de donar sangre, médula ósea y sangre de un cordón umbilical.

APLL – Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association

The Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association places the well-being of patients suffering from malignant blood disorders and their families as the main priority.

It is thanks to the robustness of our project which has been growing stronger since 2001, to our dynamic group and to the success of the activities we promote, that the Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association (APLL) has been able to provide unconditional support to patients and their families, giving new meaning to the word “hope” , during treatments and “courage” in unequal battles without giving up.

A Associação Portuguesa de Leucemia e Linfoma coloca o bem-estar dos pacientes que sofrem de doenças malignas do sangue e das suas famílias como a principal prioridade.

É graças à robustez do nosso projecto, que tem vindo a fortalecer-se desde 2001, ao nosso grupo dinâmico e ao sucesso das atividades que promovemos, que a Associação Portuguesa de Leucemia e Linfoma tem conseguido dar apoio incondicional aos pacientes. e suas famílias, dando novo significado à palavra “esperança” durante os tratamentos e “coragem” nas batalhas desiguais sem desistir.