
ADL – Association for the Support of Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma

ADL – Association for the Support of Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma is the oldest Portuguese Association founded in 1997. It was born at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário in São João do Porto and has its activity recognized and legalized in this Institution.

This is a project for patients and family members that aims to complement medical and hospital work. ADL was recognized as an IPSS (Private Institution of Social Solidarity) and all the work developed is done on a voluntary basis.

Our objectives are: to humanize the health services associated with the treatment of blood cancers; train and inform patients, families and health professionals who cope and deal with these conditions; and seek solutions to problems at the medical, social, professional and legal levels.

«We believe that teaching and enlightening is the most effective way to help patients.» Maria José Parreira, MD, founder of ADL.

APLL – Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association

The Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association places the well-being of patients suffering from malignant blood disorders and their families as the main priority.

It is thanks to the robustness of our project which has been growing stronger since 2001, to our dynamic group and to the success of the activities we promote, that the Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association (APLL) has been able to provide unconditional support to patients and their families, giving new meaning to the word “hope” , during treatments and «courage» in unequal battles without giving up.

A Associação Portuguesa de Leucemia e Linfoma coloca o bem-estar dos pacientes que sofrem de doenças malignas do sangue e das suas famílias como a principal prioridade.

É graças à robustez do nosso projecto, que tem vindo a fortalecer-se desde 2001, ao nosso grupo dinâmico e ao sucesso das atividades que promovemos, que a Associação Portuguesa de Leucemia e Linfoma tem conseguido dar apoio incondicional aos pacientes. e suas famílias, dando novo significado à palavra “esperança” durante os tratamentos e “coragem” nas batalhas desiguais sem desistir.

A Associação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia (APCL)

A Associação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia (APCL) foi fundada em janeiro de 2002 é uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social.

A principal motivação dos Fundadores da APCL radicou na sua compreensão da importância de consciencializar e mobilizar a sociedade civil no apoio a todos os que diariamente lutam contra a devastadora doença que é a Leucemia.

A APCL tem como missão contribuir, a nível nacional, para aumentar a eficácia do tratamento das Leucemias e outras neoplasias hematológicas afins.

Os principais objetivos da Associação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia são:

  • Casa Porto Seguro – casa de acolhimento para doentes e cuidadores em Lisboa;
  • APCL Cares – Programa de Apoio Social a doentes com dificuldades financeiras;
  • Aumento da literacia em saúde para doentes e cuidadores;
  • Grupos de Apoio para doentes e cuidadores; 
  • Bolsas de Investigação científica.

The Portuguese Association Against Leukemia (APCL) was founded in January 2002. It is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity.

The main motivation of APCL founders was their understanding of the importance of raising awareness and mobilising civil society in support of all those who struggle against Leukemia.

APCL’s mission is to contribute, at national level, to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of Leukemias and other related haematological malignancies.

The main objectives of the Portuguese Association Against Leukemia are:

  • Casa Porto Seguro – reception house for patients and caregivers in Lisbon;
  • APCL Cares – Social Support Program for patients with financial difficulties;
  • Increased health literacy for patients and caregivers;
  • Support groups for patients and caregivers;
  • Scientific research grants.