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Alliance member    

MDS patients may haveirregular blood cells
but we provideregular support

The MDS Alliance is an umbrella organization of
national Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) patient
organizations worldwide. The mission of the MDS Alliance
is to better serve the MDS patient and caregiver
communities globally. The MDS Alliance would like
to introduce the Here to Help campaign
which has been created to raise awareness of MDS.

 We’re here to help 

We know MDS patients experience chronic fatigue

but we never tire helping them

Visit the MDS Alliance website to find your local MDS organization which can support you,
and your carers, in the battle with your MDS. Or if you belong to an established or
emerging MDS organization, visit the MDS Alliance website to find the resources,
relationships and support your organization needs to raise awareness of the disease and
awareness of your organization.

     What is MDS?      

MDS patients may have irregular blood cells
but we provide regular support

MDS are a group of very rare blood disorders which disrupt the production of normal,
healthy blood cells by the bone marrow.

MDS is sometimes known as bone marrow failure. In patients with MDS, their bone marrow
is overactive and produces high numbers of abnormal blood cells and blast cells. These
normally die quickly and the number of healthy, functioning cells in the blood stream
decreases. Blast cells are immature cells that later develop into red blood cells (RBCs),
white blood cells (WBCs) or platelets.

RBCs – these transport the oxygen you breathe around your body to your different
muscles and organs

WBCs – these are your immune cells that fight off infection by viruses, bacteria and

Platelets – these are small, colorless fragments of cells which clump together to form a clot
and stop bleeding when a blood vessel is injured

Symptoms of MDS include: weakness, tiredness and occasional breathlessness due to low
levels of RBCs and oxygen; frequent coughs, colds and other infections due to low levels
of WBCs; and easy bruising and bleeding due to low levels of platelets.

 Founding Members  

The MDS Alliance began with six founding member patient advocacy organizations which now form the leadership group and provide guidance and direction to the Alliance.

The Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplasia
Association of Canada

The Aplastic Anemia
and MDS International

LHRM-MDS Patienten-

MDS UK Patient
Support Group

AEAL, Asociación
Española de Afectados
por Linfoma, Mieloma
y Leucemia

The MDS Foundation

Visit the MDS Alliance website
to find your local alliance member

The MDS Alliance would like to thank Celgene and Novartis for their support.

© MDS Alliance 2024   |   |

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