The application is divided into 2 main areas:
1. Overview

2. Details

1. Overview
For each country for which data is already available there is an
icon on the world map. 
Clicking on an icon opens a window with a country-specific country-specific overview of MDS therapies and their availability, authorisation and and reimbursement.
This overview is interactive and detailed information is displayed by moving the mouse. Under the country name there is a (pink) reference to the health insurance system (if known) in this country.
Ten possible MDS therapies are listed below. In front of each therapy are 3 coloured dots. If you move the mouse over one of the dots, further explanatory information appears.
The first dot shows the availability in a country. Red stands for not available, green for available. Yellow means conditional availability and a grey question mark means “no information”.
The second dot indicates the marketing authorisation for MDS in the respective country. Red stands for not authorised, green for authorised and yellow for e.g. not yet authorised but available as part of a study or off-label.
The third point indicates whether the costs will be covered by the healthcare system: red indicates no cost coverage, green indicates cost coverage and yellow indicates conditional cost coverage, e.g. only in characteristic cases if other therapies were not successful.
The map can also be displayed on mobile devices, but the detailed information (mousover) cannot be displayed.
2. Detail
Information for each individual therapy can be called up on the detailed map and displayed in the individual colours on the world map. This makes it possible to determine at a glance the access options for a therapy in all the countries covered.
To do this, select a therapy from the selection bar:

After selecting a therapy, the availability of a therapy is displayed in colour for each country (red stands for not available, green for available. Yellow means conditional availability and a grey question mark means “no information”). If a country is not highlighted in colour, no information has yet been determined.
In the top right-hand corner there is a button to show the show the layer menu:

By ticking the checkbox, the other levels Market authorisation and Cost absorption can be shown or hidden. The access options per country are also indicated here by the colours.
Market approval: (red = not approved, yellow = conditionally approved, e.g. for other diagnoses, green = approved, grey = no information found)
Cost coverage: (red = no cost coverage, yellow = partial cost coverage, green = general cost coverage, grey = no information found)