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Linfomas Argentina

Linfomas Argentina es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro de pacientes y familiares de pacientes con linfoma, mielofibrosis y síndromes mielodisplásicos en la Argentina.

Qué servicios brindamos:

  • Contención y orientación a pacientes y familiares, brindándoles información, respondiendo consultas y orientándolos acerca de los diferentes tipos de linfoma.
  • Orientación e información general acerca de los tratamientos disponibles, siempre incentivando y haciendo hincapié en la consulta al médico personal.
  • Realización de conferencias, charlas y eventos informativos para pacientes, familiares y profesionales del área de la salud, buscando valorizar y humanizar la relación médico-paciente para hacer más llevaderos los tratamientos.
  • Organización de encuentros y reuniones para pacientes y familiares.
  • Organización de campañas nacionales de concientización acerca de los linfomas
  • Intercambio de experiencias e información con otras asociaciones de pacientes de modo de potenciar y aunar esfuerzos y ampliar las redes de divulgación de información para llegar a la mayor cantidad de gente posible
  • Participación en eventos médicos
  • Elaboración y distribución de material didáctico e informativo acerca de los linfomas de fácil comprensión.
  • Asesoramiento y guía a pacientes y familiares para que los mismos puedan tener acceso a los tratamientos disponibles.

Lymphomas Argentina is a non-profit civil association of patients and relatives of patients with lymphoma, myelofibrosis and myelodysplastic syndromes in Argentina.

What services we provide:

  • Containment and guidance to patients and relatives, providing information, answering questions and guiding them about the different types of lymphoma.
  • Guidance and general information about available treatments, always encouraging and emphasizing consultation with the personal physician.
  • Conducting conferences, lectures and informative events for patients, family members and professionals in the health area, seeking to enhance and humanize the doctor-patient relationship to make treatments more bearable.
  • Organization of meetings and meetings for patients and relatives.
  • Organization of national awareness campaigns about lymphomas
  • Exchange of experiences and information with other patient associations in order to strengthen and join forces and expand information dissemination networks to reach as many people as possible
  • Participation in medical events
  • Preparation and distribution of educational and informative material about easy-to-understand lymphomas.
  • Advice and guidance to patients and family members so they can have access to the available treatments

Kontakt : Haydee Gonzalez
Email : / 0800-5555-4636
Leukaemia Foundation Logo

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Telefon Service für Patienten
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Teilnahme an Kongressen

The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia

The Leukaemia Foundation is the only national charity dedicated to helping those with MDS, leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders survive and then live a better quality of life. Blood cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death in Australia, claiming more lives than breast cancer or melanoma.

Helping local families beat blood cancer
Each year, the Leukaemia Foundation helps more than 750 families from regional and rural Australia by providing free accommodation in our capital cities so they can access life-saving treatment at major hospitals.
Our transport service also helps thousands get to and from medical appointments, driving more than one million kilometres each year to ensure people get the medicines they need to beat their blood cancer. Thanks to its supporters, the Leukaemia Foundation is also able to provide counselling, comprehensive information, education and support programs and financial assistance to help the 60,000 Australians who are currently living with a blood cancer.

Helping Australian researchers beat blood cancer
Researchers funded by generous supporters of the Leukaemia Foundation are working tirelessly to discover safer and more effective treatments that will save lives and help people lead a better quality of life. Our $38m cancer research program has been running for more than a decade and finds the causes of blood cancer and improves the way people are diagnosed and then treated.

Kontakt :
Email : / 1800 620 420

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The Myeloma, Lymphoma & Leukaemia Foundation of Barbados (MLLF)

The Foundation was founded in 2002 and is governed by an Executive body of twelve persons. Our Mission is to provide Comprehensive support for persons affected with blood related cancers in Barbados.

Our objectives

  • SUPPORT: To provide a support network for suffers for blood related cancers and their families.          
  • EDUCATION: To educate patients, their families, caregivers and the Barbadian public about blood cancers.
  • ADVOCACY: To act as an agent on behalf of such persons on matters pertaining to blood related cancers.
  • FINANCIAL: To assist financially where possible.

Service Offered


  • Upon diagnosis of the specific type of haematological cancer the patient has, educational material is given to the patients and family member.
  • Bi-weekly Educational and counselling Session at the Haematology Clinic of Elizabeth Hospital. 3. MLLF offers educational outreach in the community as the need arises and upon request from organization and Service – Clubs, Schools also from persons in the community.


  • MLLF has established the Dalton Durant patient Assistance and Prescription Medication Programme for patients who are unable to purchase their medication, when these medications are not on the Barbados Drug Formulary.
  • Assistance is given for other medical services. X-rays, MRI, Blood Tests and other Laboratory tests. At times, a small donation is given to a patient going overseas for treatments. We also provide for non-medical items such as food items, the house rent, school supply and any other assistance that may occurred.
  • Funeral Grant: This grant was established to assist very needy families in their most difficult times.


  • The MLLF provides for home and hospital visits.
  • We supply toiletries, food items, floral arrangements, wheelchairs and any other services that are appropriate to patients during hospitalization and home visits.
  • Furniture and equipment are donated to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Haematological Clinic for patient’s use.


  • The Dalton Durant HAEMATOLOGICAL CANCER REGISTRY 2005-2009.
  • We were able to ascertain from the data collected in this registry the most frequent blood cancers in Barbados.
  • The MLLF is committed to research and will assist financially in this area.

FUNDING: The Foundation receives its funding through Fund-raising, Corporate and other donation made to the foundation.

Kontakt : Myrna Edwards – PresidentHyacinth Grimes – Vice President
Email : / (246) 435-1582


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Attendance at Congresses

MDS Contactgroup

Wij bieden ondersteuning aan patiënten, de partner en hun omgeving via
– informatieve bijeenkomsten,
– persoonlijk- en telefonisch contact,
– ontmoetings- en ontspanningsactiviteiten,
– een tweejaarlijkse infodag.

We provide support to patients, their partners and their environment through:
– informative meetings,
– personal and telephone contact,
– meeting and relaxation activities,
– a biennial info day.

Kontakt : Luc Verbeurgt
Email : / 0471 / 04 94 80


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Patient Meetings
Patient Meetings
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Patient Telephone Helpline
Information Packs
Information Packs
Attendance at Congresses
Attendance at Congresses
Advocacy - Research
Advocacy - Research


The Brazilian Lymphoma and Leukemia Association – ABRALE works across the country to democratize the treatment and quality of life of people with hematologic malignancies to guarantee universality, equity and integral service for all.

Our activity:

Patient Support
We have a multidisciplinary team with: psychologists, who assist the patient in coping with the disease, nutritionists that elaborate personalized diets, lawyers, who give information on the rights guaranteed by law and advocate for policy improvements, nurses and social workers, who clarify doubts about the diseases and a team with committed professionals that work to improve prevention, access to treatment and better outcomes continuously.

Education and Information:
We produce information material, i.e. leaflets, booklets, videos and the Abrale magazine for patients, family members and health professionals. Abrale’s website and social networks are sources of information and contact with all Stakeholders. We also provide access to the best experts at the Abrale Meeting, a biweekly event, with free lectures, and also through Chat Abrale, an online tool to connect patients and caregivers to doctors and health professionals on different issues. We also offer sophisticated on-line educational to health professionals and physicians of the country, contributing with early diagnosis and care improvement.

Research and Data Organization:
We take advantage of technology advancements to improve knowledge about oncology facts in our country.
From patients, we have our own registry and collect real world evidence . Also we use government open data and analyze them and publish in a dynamic and interactive on line plataform. Our data scientist contribute to the understanding of the oncology scenarium.

Public policy and Advocacy:
We work intensively in the area of ​​advocacy to represent our patients before the Government. We partner with social organizations, participate in the National Health Council and events related to the theme. We collaborated to advance important laws, which greatly benefited the health system and Oncology in Brazil. Our strategy includes actions to improve public and private care in oncology , transparent and efficient use of public resources and focus on better clinical outcomes .

Kontakt : Catherine Moura, MD, MPH Tel: +55 11 3149-5190 / +55 11 91307-1174
Email :

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Attendance at Congresses

LyLe – Patientassosiation for Lymphoma, Leukaemia and MDS (Denmark)

LyLe’s story
We were founded in sept. 2007 by a small group of individuals – all diagnosed with hematological cancer. Today we are a well established and very active advocacy group based on volunteers with own independent board and economy. We are funded by the Ministry of Public Health , by private funds, by members, and pharmaceutical companies. LyLe’s purpose and association’s work is based on the dialogue.

We work on 3 main areas: Dialogue with others, information and impact on systems. Our motto is: You are not alone!

Dialogue with others
LyLe facilitates contact between patients with the same disease, shortly after diagnosis, during the course of treatment or after treatment.
We also promote dialogue between the relatives and with professionals.

We produce information about the disease, via magazines, booklets, and promote their distribution after the consultation, so that patients can keep it.
Through our website we provide updated links to find more information about the diseases.
We are also very active on Facebook, Twitter and on YouTube you can find all kind of informations related to hematological diseases we are working with, lymphoma, leukemia and MDS

We strive to interact with patient and relatives, united we stand! We also strive to have an impact in the health care system, through our political campaigning and our direct dialogue with the health service with the aim of representing patients and their needs.

Kontakt : Rita Christensen
Email : / +45 31 68 26 00

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Patient Telephone Helpline
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Attendance at Congresses
Policy Meetings, Advocacy
Policy Meetings, Advocacy

LHRM-MDS Patienten-Interessen Gemeinschaft

It is our aim to help MDS-patients and their families to advocate for themselves. What we want is to provide information on the disease, support patients to find MDS-specialists across Germany and to gain influence in health-related committees.

We offer networking service especially for newly diagnosed patients, who would like to share their experience with fellow sufferers. You can contact us by telephone line or participate in our Blog. We wish to raise awareness of MDS to patients, carers and health care professionals across Germany.

We do that through organizing patient information days, through our website and through printed material. On behalf of the MDS-community we equally work on European and international basis by regular, active attendance at specialist hematological congresses and by collaboration with MDS-related patient organizations as well as working-groups such as MDS-Alliance

Die MDS Patienten-Interessen Gemeinschaft, Deutschland ist eine Untergruppe der Leukaemiehilfe RHEIN-MAIN e.V.

Es ist unser Ziel MDS-Patienten und deren Angehörige so zu unterstützen, dass sie in der Lage sind ihre Interessen zu vertreten. Wir möchten über die Erkrankung informieren, die Patienten unterstützen deutschlandweit Kontakt zu den entsprechenden MDS-Spezialisten zu knüpfen und unseren Einfluss in wichtigen gesundheitspolitischen Gremien geltend machen. – Wir bieten ein Netzwerk, vor allem für neu diagnostizierte Patienten, die einen Erfahrungsaustausch mit anderen Patienten aufbauen möchten. Sie können uns über Telefon oder über Internet erreichen oder an unserem neu eingerichteten Blog teilnehmen. – Unsere Zielsetzung ist es deutschlandweit den Bekanntheitsgrad der MDS-Erkrankung unter Patienten, Angehörigen, Ärzten und medizinischem Personal zu erhöhen. Um das zu erfüllen, veranstalten wir regelmäßig Patienten- und Angehörigen Tage in verschiedenen Städten Deutschlands, pflegen unsere gut besuchte Webseite und veröffentlichen Broschüren zu MDS. Für unsere MDS-Patienten arbeiten wir ebenfalls auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene,
indem wir regelmäßig hämatologische Fachkongresse zur Fortbildung und zu Vernetzungszwecken besuchen und dort auch unser Materialien ausstellen. Wir vernetzen uns mit anderen Patientenorganisationen und internationalen Arbeitsgruppen wie MDS Alliance.

Gereon Mänzel

Kontakt : Gereon Mänzel
Email : / 06142 - 3 22 40

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Patient Telephone Helpline
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Attendance at Congresses

Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry – Association of Cancer Patients in Finland

The Association of Cancer Patients in Finland

The Association of Cancer Patients in Finland is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1971. The Association supports cancer patients and provides information about cancer. It is a member organisation of the Cancer Society of Finland and has a long tradition in patient advocacy and provides a general patient helpline and a chat/email service.

The Association coordinates 20 patient networks, including a network for MDS patients, which offer peer support to cancer patients and their families. Some of the association’s concrete work includes producing and distributing information booklets and videos, advocating for best possible treatment for cancer patients, arranging events for patient networks and managing Facebook groups dedicated to the different networks.

Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry

Suomen Syöpäpotilaat ry (SSP) on valtakunnallinen syöpäpotilaiden etujärjestö, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa syöpäpotilaiden ja heidän läheistensä elämänlaatua. Yhdistys on Suomen Syöpäyhdistyksen jäsen ja osa Syöpäjärjestöjä.

Yhdistys tuottaa luotettavaa tietoa syöpäsairauksista sekä niiden hoidosta ja ylläpitää kattavaa valikoimaa potilasoppaita. SSP koordinoi yhteensä 20 Facebookissa toimivaa syöpäkohtaista potilasverkostoa, joista yksi on suunnattu MDS-potilaille ja heidän läheisilleen. Potilasverkostot tarjoavat mahdollisuuden monimuotoiseen vertaistukeen. Yhdistys ajaa syöpäpotilaiden etuja, järjestää potilastapahtumia sekä jakaa tietoa syöpäsairauksiin ja niiden hoitoon liittyen.

Minna Anttonen

Kontakt : Minna Anttonen (Executive Director and contact)
Email : / +358 44 322 8964

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L’association Connaître et Combattre les Myélodysplasies regroupe, depuis juillet 2006, des personnes atteintes de syndrome myélodysplasique et leurs proches.
L’association a l’appui du Groupe Francophone des Myélodysplasies (GFM).

Objectifs sont:

  1. Favoriser les échanges d’information entre les patients et leurs proches à une échelle nationale et régionale.
  2. Favoriser la recherche sur les myélodysplasies et la mise en place de nouveaux médicaments et traitements, en liaison avec les médecins du GFM.
  3. Contribuer au progrès des soins et de la prise en charge des patients.
  4. Faciliter la relation des adhérents avec les spécialistes des myélodysplasies. Soutenir l’action du Groupe Francophone des Myélodysplasies (GFM) et collaborer avec lui.
  5. Maintenir une veille sur les progrès obtenus dans le monde et organiser des réunions d’information en présence de spécialistes.

Since July 2006, our association has been supporting people suffering from Myelodysplastic Syndrome and their relatives with the help of the Francophone Group of Myelodysplasia (GFM).

Our objectives are:

  1. Encourage the exchange of information between patients and their families at a national and regional level.
  2. Promote research on MDS and the introduction of new drugs and treatments, in collaboration with GFM doctors.
  3. Contributing to the advancement of patient treatment and care.
  4. Facilitate the relationship of its members with MDS specialists. Support and collaborate with the Francophone Group of Myelodysplasia (GFM).
  5. Keep up-to-date with the latest progress achieved around the world and organize informational meetings for patients with the presence of MDS specialists.
Jacqueline Dubow

Kontakt : Jacqueline Dubow (Vice-President) Raymond Mallarte (President)
Email : / 06 37 22 79 87

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Attendance at Congresses
Website, Multi-center Clinical Trials
Website, Multi-center Clinical Trials

TAMID – The Israeli Association for Myelodisplastic Syndrome

The founders of TAMID are patients, family members and leading haematologists from several medical institutions in Israel, all volunteering to pursue the vision of improving MDS patients‘ quality of life.

We support MDS patients and their families by:

  • Providing approachable information, intended for those without a medical background.
  • Enabling personal support to patients and their families, on a voluntary basis, within the community.
  • Developing and promoting the awareness to the disease within the public and the medical teams.
  • Funding revolutionary medical treatments which are currently inaccessible to patients, including new treatments as well as protocols used for other haematological diseases that are believed to be effective in MDS, and create a pedestal for the discussion about the inclusion of these treatments in the public health insurance.

We are committed to promote and enhance the collaboration between various medical institutions, to enable access to international trials and promote and implement cutting-edge treatments.

עמותת ת.מ.י.ד – תסמונת מיאלודיספלסטית
מקימי האירגון, כולם מתנדבים, התקבצו לעשייה משותפת לקידום ענינם, רווחתם ואיכות חייהם של חולי תסמונת מיאלודיספלסטית ובני משפחותיהם
מטרת חברי האירגון היא לתמוך בחולים ובני משפחותיהם, באמצעות
הנגשת מידע נוח, המיועד לאנשים שאינם מומחים במקצועות הרפואה
תמיכה אישית בחולים ובני משפחותיהם, על בסיס התנדבותי, במסגרת הקהילה
פיתוח וקידום המודעות למחלה בקרב הציבור וצוותי רפואה מקצועיים בקהילה
מימון לצורך פתיחת האפשרות לטיפולים באמצעות תרופות חדשות, או יישום טיפולים תרופתיים ממחלות אחרות לצורך הטיפול במחלה והכללת טיפולים אלו בסל התרופות. האירגון יפעל לקידום שיתוף הפעולה בין המרכזים הרפואיים בישראל, על מנת לקדם את מקומה של הקהילה הרפואית
המקצועית הישראלית, ובכך לאפשר קידום וחשיפה ליבוא ויישום של טיפולים חדשים ופורצי דרך עבור החולים

Kontakt : Iris Yahal
Email : / 052-2728966

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Sarah Liptrott – European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy

Sarah Liptrott is a Clinical Research Nurse in the Division of Haematology/BMT at the IEO. She graduated from Liverpool University with a Bachelor of Nursing (Hons), and obtained her Masters Degree at Staffordshire University. Throughout her career, Sarah has specialised within oncology, working within surgery and medicine as well as chemotherapy units. In her role as Clinical Nurse Specialist she developed nurse led clinics and implemented nurse prescribing into the haemato-oncology field. She has worked as Clinical Trial Team Leader responsible for the research team and achievement of UK national targets. Sarah has authored or co-authored numerous articles in high-quality scientific journals as well as being an invited reviewer. Her educational developments include BMT training/chemotherapy/clinical trials in both UK and European settings. She has served on many committees including the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Nurses Group Research Sub Committee and is a member of the RCN – Cancer Forum and Haematology & BMT Forums.

Kontakt : Sarah Liptrott
Email : / + 39 02 57489.330

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Attendance at Congresses

Associazione Italiana Pazienti con Sindrome Mielodisplastica (AIPaSiM)

AIPaSiM is a patient-governed society supporting patients with MDS in Italy
Our mission is :

  • to be a source of disease and treatment-related knowledge for patients and their caregivers
  • to be a platform to connect patients and family members (also by organizing local and national meetings)
  • to connect patients to experts clinicians and improving doctor-patient dialogue
  • to represent patient perspective in debate with other stakeholders within the national healthcare system

Fax number +39 0287152199

Giuseppe Cafiero

Kontakt : Giuseppe Cafiero
Email : / ( FAX ) +39 0287152199

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Telefon Service für Patienten
Teilnahme an Kongressen
Sonstige Dienstleistungen

AIL – Associazione Italiana contro Leucemie Linfoma e Mieloma

  • AIL nasce nel 1969 assieme ai primi reparti di Ematologia, con lo scopo di finanziare la ricerca scientifica e lo sviluppo di centri specializzati sul territorio nazionale. Nel tempo l’Associazione è riuscita a creare una rete di sostegno e assistenza, diventando un punto di riferimento per l’Ematologia e per i pazienti in Italia.
  • AIL promuove e sostiene la ricerca scientifica per la cura delle leucemie, dei linfomi e del mieloma; assiste i pazienti e le famiglie accompagnandoli in tutte le fasi del percorso attraverso la malattia con servizi adeguati alle loro esigenze; si propone di migliorare la qualità di vita dei malati e di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica alla lotta contro le malattie del sangue.

Italian Association against Leukemia Lymphoma and Myeloma

  • AIL was founded in 1969 together with the first hematology departments, with the aim of financing scientific research and the development of specialized centers throughout the country. Over time, the association has managed to create a support and assistance network, becoming a point of reference for Hematology patients in Italy.
  • AIL promotes and supports scientific research for the treatment of leukemia, lymphomas and myeloma; assists patients and families by accompanying them in all phases of the path through the disease with services adapted to their needs; aims to improve the quality of life of the sick and to raise public awareness of the fight against blood diseases.
Melania Quattrociocchi

Kontakt : Melania Quattrociocchi
Email : / 06.7038601


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Attendance at Congresses

Japan MDS patient support group (JAMPS)

Japan MDS (Myelodysplastic syndrome) Patient Support Group was established with the support of MDS patients‘ families and their carers, and the International MDS Foundation with the aim of support patients and families affected by Myelodysplastic Syndrome.

Japan MDS Patient Support Group has an international information network as part of the Global Patient Support Groups of the International MDS Foundation.

We provide information related to MDS, introduce patients to the MDS Center of Excellence – certified by the International MDS Foundation – and provide support for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and patients. We also spread the latest research and new treatment options and provide information of current clinical trials.

Kontakt : Yumi Yamamoto / Mika Ogata Tel +81-80-4464-8571; +81-3-3425-2808
Email : /

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Patient Meetings
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Patient Telephone Helpline
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Information Packs
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Attendance at Congresses

Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplasia Association of Canada

The Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplasia Association of Canada (AAMAC) is a volunteer-run organization supporting patients and caregivers across the country who are living with aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (also called MDS or myelodysplasia) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH).

In addition to supporting patients and caregivers AAMAC also:

  • provides funds for research
  • works to increase awareness
  • provides education
  • advocacy
  • support for blood, bone marrow and stem cell donations

Kontakt : Cindy Anthony
Email : / 905-780-0698 or toll-free at 1-888-840-0039

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Reuniones de Pacientes
Reuniones de Pacientes
Telefon Service für Patienten
Representación en Congresos
Representación en Congresos

Cancer Support Community of Kosovo

Our goals

Don’t suffer in silence – Help us help you. Formed in March 2018, at CSCK we aim to raise awareness of cancer and offer support and information to patients, families and healthcare professionals across Kosovo. We campaign to increase the quality of life and make treatments available to those affected by the condition. Our interests are blood cancers and particularly myelodysplastic syndromes. Using our networks and national and international collaborations we aim to be the biggest cancer support platform in Kosovo by 2020.

How we do it?

If you live in Kosovo and are suffering from cancer then you’ve come to the right place. We will do the following:

  • Put you in touch with fellow patients who may share their experience with you.
  • Provide you with access to a list of consultants, specializing in your condition in Kosovo and nearby countries.
  • Provide you with help and advice.
  • Help you receive the most up to date information on your condition, patient stories and current research

Kontakt : Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala / Fisnik Shala
Email :

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Patient Telephone Helpline
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Information Packs
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Attendance at Congresses

Croatian Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

The association aims at assisting patients with hematological diseases and developing new research programs and treatment methods.

For this purpose it undertakes the following activities:

  • It organizes the treatment of patients suffering from leukemia, lymphoma, MDS and other blood malignancies.
  • It collects donations and runs programs to help patients.
  • It promotes new treatment methods, and provides professional and financial assistance to these programs.
  • It supports programs to help patients and their families.
  • It supports research work in the field of etiology, therapy and treatment of haematological malignancies.
  • It develops bone marrow transplant programs in the Republic of Croatia.
  • It organizes seminars and conferences and distributes information to health and research institutions.

Hrvatska udruga leukemija i limfomi

Udruga ima za cilj pružanje pomoći pacijentima oboljelima od hematoloških bolesti i razvijanje
novih istraživačkih programa te metoda liječenja.
U tu svrhu poduzima sljedeće aktivnosti:

  • Organizira liječenje pacijenata oboljelih od leukemije, limfoma, MDS-a i drugih malignih
    hematoloških bolesti.
  • Prikuplja donacije i vodi programe pomoći pacijentima.
  • Promovira nove metode liječenja i pruža stručnu i financijsku pomoć tim programima.
  • Podržava programe pomoći pacijentima i njihovim obiteljima.
  • Podržava istraživački rad u području etiologije, terapije i liječenja hematoloških malignih
  • Razvija programe transplantacije koštane srži u Republici Hrvatskoj.
  • Organizira seminare i konferencije te distribuira informacije zdravstvenim i istraživačkim
Dražen Vincek

Kontakt : Dražen Vincek
Email : / +385 91 4873561

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Attendance at Congresses

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

Since 1977, our work has been made possible through our fundraising events and the generous support we receive from individuals, companies, trusts and grants. We do not receive government funding.

Funding goes to our core services: Patient Support, Research, Information, Awareness & Advocacy

We aim to provide support where and when it is needed most. Our free and personalised services range from just having someone to talk to in our Support Services team, to disease-specific information and resources.

The suddenness with which these diseases strike can often put enormous financial strain on people. To those experiencing difficulties we may be able to offer support including food or petrol vouchers, or help with paying utility bills. Each case is assessed on an individual basis.

LBC is committed to finding better treatments and cures. We are the only dedicated funder of haematology research in New Zealand. Annually, we provide travel grants to health professionals, including scientists, clinicians, nurses and laboratory staff to attend local and international meetings, keep up to date with the latest advancements and conduct vital research.

Emma Barker Head of Support Services and Operations

Kontakt : Emma Barker
Email : / 0800 151015

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Patient Telephone Helpline
Information Packs
Information Packs

Hematon Foundation

Hematon is a patient advocacy group for patients with blood cancers, including MDS, lymphomas and stem cell transplantion and their caregivers. We provide information about the diseases (website, magazine, booklets, meetings with hematologists), offer peer support (face-to-face, by telephone, by e-mail, forum) and we are advocates for better care, access to all available medicines, reimbursment of medical costs, and we promote patient empowerment.
Hematon is an organisation of volunteers (patients and caregivers).

Hematon is de patiëntenorganisatie voor patiënten met een hematologische-oncologische aandoening en/of mensen die een stamceltransplantatie hebben ondergaan. Ons doel is hen te ondersteunen bij alle aspecten die het leven met en na kanker met zich meebrengt. We zijn er ook voor naasten en donoren van patiënten. Lotgenotencontact, belangenbehartiging en informatievoorziening zijn onze speerpunten. Hematon bundelt kennis en ervaring. De organisatie bestaat dan ook voornamelijk uit betrokken en (ervarings-)deskundige vrijwilligers.

Hematon komt tegemoet aan drie behoeften bij patiënten: weten, delen en ontmoeten. We maken het mogelijk dat patiënten kennis en ervaringen kunnen delen met elkaar en met deskundigen en zorgen voor ontmoetingen tussen patiënten. We geven daar op verschillende manieren invulling aan.

Kontakt : Jan Boonstra
Email : / +31 (0) 30 760 34 60

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The White Cell Foundation

The White Cell Foundation (TWCF) is a non-profit organization established to create awareness about blood cancers in Nigeria and to provide support for people with blood cancers and their families.


To improve the survival and quality of life of people with blood cancers and their families in Nigeria.
The 3-prong approach to accomplish our mission:

  • Research: Conduct research to find innovative solutions to the challenges of blood cancer in Nigeria.
  • Support: Provide support for blood cancer patients and their families.
  • Awareness: Create awareness about blood cancers.

Kontakt : Dr. Yusuf Adelabu
Email :


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Attendance at Congresses
Raising Awareness & Education Activities
Raising Awareness & Education Activities

Association of citizens for rare diseases life with challenges Bitola

The Association of citizens for rare diseases LIFE WITH CHALLENGES is formed and lead by patients and families facing rare diseases. As a patient organization we advocate for patients rights, we provide information on diseases, we translate information, we connect patients and families with other patients and families with the same rare disease, we organize patient gatherings, we organize educative lectures for medical professionals, we have many activities for raising public awareness, we also have capacity building activities, activities for networking and communication with stakeholders and other activities depending on the needs of the patients and families facing rare diseases.

Здружението на граѓани за ретки болести ЖИВОТ СО ПРЕДИЗВИЦИ е формирано и водено од пациенти и семејства кои се соочуваат со ретки болести. Како организација на пациенти се застапуваме за правата на пациентите, понатаму споделуваме информации за болести, едукативни материјали, преведуваме информации на бараање на пациентите, ги спојуваме пациентите и семејствата со други кои се соочуваат со истата болести, организираме собири на пациенти, едукативни предавања за здравствени работиници, имаме многу активности за подигнување на јавната свест, активности за градење на капацитет на организацијата, активности за вмрежување и комуникација и слично зависно од потребите на пациентите и семејствата кои се соочуваат со ретки болести.

Kontakt : Vesna Aleksovska
Email :  / 070 705 446

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Patient meetings
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Telephone helpline
Information packs
Information packs
Attendance at congresses
Attendance at congresses

HEMA: Association for help & support of patients with haematological diseases & their caregivers

The Association HEMA is dedicated to changing outcomes for patients with hematology diseases and giving support to caregivers by strengthening patient advocacy in this area.

It aims to deliver tailored support to patients and caregivers on a national level while joining forces with other institutions (Governmental and non-governmental), physicians and other organizations in order to review and assist with the reform on healthcare policies and research across the country and provide our patients with up-to-date therapies and better quality of life. 

Здружението за помош и поддршка на пациенти со хематолошки заболувања и нивни негуватели ХЕМА Скопје е доброволна, непрофитна, невладина, непартиска организација формирана со слободно здружување на граѓаните со цел да им понудиме поддршка и информации на пациентите, негувателите и семејствата, засегнати од хематолошки заболувања, да лобираме да им се овозможи на овие пациенти да имаат подобар и еднаков пристап до квалитетна и современа терапија и современи третмани и лекување  кое им е достапнo на пациентите од Западна Европа и останатите развиени земји и преку кампањи и други активности да го подобриме нивниот квалитет на живот како и да ја подигнеме свеста за хематолошките заболувања.

Kontakt : Lidija Pecova – President Mirjana Babamova – Program Manager
Email : / +389 (0) 78 397 704


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Blodkreftforeningen is a nationwide Norwegian organization for people who have or have had blood cancer-related diseases – as well as their relatives.
The association’s main goal is to contribute to a better life for its members.

Key tasks:

  1.  to support blood cancer patients and their relatives, and conduct peer work
  2. disseminate patient – and relative- oriented information about blood cancer, especially about progress and new treatment methods, as well as about the association’s activities
  3. advocacy work with politicians, authorities and health care professionals
  4. raising awareness among the general public about blood cancer and the association’s activities

Blodkreftforeningen er en landsomfattende organisasjon for personer som har eller har hatt en blodkreftrelatert sykdom, samt pårørende til disse.

Foreningens hovedformål er å bidra til et bedre liv for sine medlemmer, gjennom påvirkning og interessearbeid overfor myndigheter og helsevesen og ved å spre kunnskap om blodkreft og Blodkreftforeningen til samfunnet.

Informasjonspredning skjer gjennom medlemsbladet, I margen, nettside og sosiale medier. Foreningen har lokallag over hele landet, samt driver likepersonarbeid for personer som har, eller har hatt blodkreftrelaterte sykdommer – samt pårørende til disse.

Kontakt : Eddy Grønset
Email : / +47 97 62 75 11


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Telefon Service für Patienten
Teilnahme an Kongressen
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Blodkreftforeningen is a nationwide Norwegian organization for people who have or have had blood cancer-related diseases – as well as their relatives.
The association’s main goal is to contribute to a better life for its members.

Key tasks:

  1.  to support blood cancer patients and their relatives, and conduct peer work
  2. disseminate patient – and relative- oriented information about blood cancer, especially about progress and new treatment methods, as well as about the association’s activities
  3. advocacy work with politicians, authorities and health care professionals
  4. raising awareness among the general public about blood cancer and the association’s activities

Blodkreftforeningen er en landsomfattende organisasjon for personer som har eller har hatt en blodkreftrelatert sykdom, samt pårørende til disse.

Foreningens hovedformål er å bidra til et bedre liv for sine medlemmer, gjennom påvirkning og interessearbeid overfor myndigheter og helsevesen og ved å spre kunnskap om blodkreft og Blodkreftforeningen til samfunnet.

Informasjonspredning skjer gjennom medlemsbladet, I margen, nettside og sosiale medier. Foreningen har lokallag over hele landet, samt driver likepersonarbeid for personer som har, eller har hatt blodkreftrelaterte sykdommer – samt pårørende til disse.

Kontakt : Eddy Grønset
Email : / +47 97 62 75 11


Hilfe für Patienten
Patient meetings
Patient meetings
Telephone helpline
Telephone helpline
Information packs
Information packs
Attendance at congresses
Attendance at congresses


ESPERANTRA is a non-profit organization, founded in 2005 with the purpose of contributing to the reduction of mortality from high risk non-communicable diseases (cancer; high-cost, rare chronic diseases). ESPERANTRA works for:

  • Health promotion, allowing people to gain control over their health.
  • Health prevention by communicating about healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases.
  • Improving the quality of life of patients by promoting their capacity building and advocating for equality in access to quality treatments and innovative care.


For civil society

  • Educational campaigns about healthy habits to prevent illnesses and communicate the need for preventive check-ups and health control.
  • Communication of health rights and duties.
  • Medical appointments for free preventive check-ups, donation of medicines.
  • Research and proposal of public health policies in favor of patients.

For patients and caregivers

  • Personalised psychological assistance.
  • Nutritional counselling.
  • Personalised complementary therapies.
  • Support groups.
  • Education of patients about their illness, the healthcare system and access to healthcare.
  • Drug and treatment donation.
  • Health Rights Advocacy.

Kontakt : Karla Ruiz de Castilla
Email : / (+51 1) 6804888


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Patient Meetings
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Attendance at Congresses
Attendance at Congresses

A Associação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia (APCL)

A Associação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia (APCL) foi fundada em janeiro de 2002 é uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social.

A principal motivação dos Fundadores da APCL radicou na sua compreensão da importância de consciencializar e mobilizar a sociedade civil no apoio a todos os que diariamente lutam contra a devastadora doença que é a Leucemia.

A APCL tem como missão contribuir, a nível nacional, para aumentar a eficácia do tratamento das Leucemias e outras neoplasias hematológicas afins.

Os principais objetivos da Associação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia são:

  • Casa Porto Seguro – casa de acolhimento para doentes e cuidadores em Lisboa;
  • APCL Cares – Programa de Apoio Social a doentes com dificuldades financeiras;
  • Aumento da literacia em saúde para doentes e cuidadores;
  • Grupos de Apoio para doentes e cuidadores; 
  • Bolsas de Investigação científica.

The Portuguese Association Against Leukemia (APCL) was founded in January 2002. It is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity.

The main motivation of APCL founders was their understanding of the importance of raising awareness and mobilising civil society in support of all those who struggle against Leukemia.

APCL’s mission is to contribute, at national level, to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of Leukemias and other related haematological malignancies.

The main objectives of the Portuguese Association Against Leukemia are:

  • Casa Porto Seguro – reception house for patients and caregivers in Lisbon;
  • APCL Cares – Social Support Program for patients with financial difficulties;
  • Increased health literacy for patients and caregivers;
  • Support groups for patients and caregivers;
  • Scientific research grants.
Lara Cunha

Kontakt : Lara Cunha - Carlos Horta e Costa
Email : / / 0800 151015

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APLL – Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association

The Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association places the well-being of patients suffering from malignant blood disorders and their families as the main priority.

It is thanks to the robustness of our project which has been growing stronger since 2001, to our dynamic group and to the success of the activities we promote, that the Portuguese Leukaemia and Lymphoma Association (APLL) has been able to provide unconditional support to patients and their families, giving new meaning to the word “hope” , during treatments and „courage“ in unequal battles without giving up.

A Associação Portuguesa de Leucemia e Linfoma coloca o bem-estar dos pacientes que sofrem de doenças malignas do sangue e das suas famílias como a principal prioridade.

É graças à robustez do nosso projecto, que tem vindo a fortalecer-se desde 2001, ao nosso grupo dinâmico e ao sucesso das atividades que promovemos, que a Associação Portuguesa de Leucemia e Linfoma tem conseguido dar apoio incondicional aos pacientes. e suas famílias, dando novo significado à palavra “esperança” durante os tratamentos e “coragem” nas batalhas desiguais sem desistir.

Kontakt :
Email : / 351 225 488 000

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Patient meetings
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Telephone helpline
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Information packs
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Attendance at congresses

ADL – Association for the Support of Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma

ADL – Association for the Support of Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma is the oldest Portuguese Association founded in 1997. It was born at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário in São João do Porto and has its activity recognized and legalized in this Institution.

This is a project for patients and family members that aims to complement medical and hospital work. ADL was recognized as an IPSS (Private Institution of Social Solidarity) and all the work developed is done on a voluntary basis.

Our objectives are: to humanize the health services associated with the treatment of blood cancers; train and inform patients, families and health professionals who cope and deal with these conditions; and seek solutions to problems at the medical, social, professional and legal levels.

„We believe that teaching and enlightening is the most effective way to help patients.“ Maria José Parreira, MD, founder of ADL.

Kontakt : Maria de Fátima Ferreira – Managing Director
Email : / 225512225


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Patient Meetings
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Information Packs
Blood Donation Campaigns
Blood Donation Campaigns

Inter-regional public organization for patients with hematological diseases Most Miloserdiya (Mercy Bridge)

Our goal

To help patients with hematological diseases, including: protecting the rights and legitimate interests of hematological patients, obtaining medical, information, psychological, social, financial, legal and other types of assistance.

Our activities

  • Focusing attention of federal and regional authorities and the public on the problems of patients with hematological diseases;
  • Assistance to patients with hematological diseases in obtaining timely medical assistance and the necessary drug provision guaranteed to be financed by government agencies;
  • Information activities related to problems and achievements in the field of hematology: organizing and holding conferences, round tables, seminars, patient schools, consultations;
  • Informing patients with hematological diseases on issues related to the disease of hematological patients and protection of their rights and legitimate interests: publishing paid and unpaid basis brochures, books, booklets, bulletins, reports, newspapers, magazines and other printed materials, filming and distributing video materials. Distributing information materials through your own site and partner sites.
  • Organization of volunteer movement in order to provide feasible assistance in caring for hematological patients, providing spiritual, psychological and other forms of support;
  • Involvement of philanthropists in Russia and abroad to support hematological patients and targeted use of material and other assistance for the needs of patients.

Межрегиональная общественная организация помощи пациентам с гематологическими заболеваниями «Мост Милосердия»

• МОО помощи пациентам с гематологическими заболеваниями «Мост Милосердия» оказывает юридическую, информационную, психологическую поддержку пациентам с онкогематологическими и гематологическими заболеваниями, занимается защитой их законных интересов и прав , созданием информационных порталов, ориентированных на больных с данным видом нозологий, проведением донорских акций по сбору цельной крови и рекрутингом потенциальных доноров в поддержку развития Российского национального регистра доноров костного мозга, проведением пациентских школ и вебинаров, задача которых: информирование пациентов об их заболевании, возможном возникновении осложнений, методах их предупреждения, о правах пациентов и способах их реализации. Большое внимание уделяется волонтерской работе в пропаганде донорства цельной крови, компонентов крови и костного мозга, подготовке и проведении донорских акций, пациентских школ, благотворительных концертов для больных с тяжелыми заболеваниями крови. МОО помощи пациентам с гематологическими заболеваниями «Мост Милосердия» является членом всемирной организации пациентов с лимфомой “Lymphoma Coalition”, организации, объединяющей пациентов Европы с лимфомой “Lymphoma Coalition Europe”, членом европейской организации пациентов с множественной миеломой «Myeloma Patient Europe”, членом глобальной организации пациентов с миелодиспластическим синдромом “MDS-alliance”.

  • Председатель Правления Оксана Владимировна Чирун
  • Тел: +7 (926) 108-82-81
  • Адрес электронной почты:

Kontakt : Oksana Chirun
Email : / +7 (926) 108-82-81

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MDS Plattform Schweiz – Eine Gruppe von LYMPHOME.CH Patientennetz Schweiz Patientennetz Schweiz ist eine gemeinnützige, ehrenamtlich geleitete Organisation, die 2001 gegründet wurde und 2005 zu einer formellen Vereinigung wurde. Unser Hauptziel ist es, Informationen über die Krankheit und alle Lymphomtypen bereitzustellen und Patienten und Angehörige zu unterstützen und zu begleiten, wenn es am meisten benötigt wird.

Wir möchten den Bekanntheitsgrad des Myelodysplastischen Syndroms MDS in der Schweiz steigern und MDS-Patienten für einen Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch vernetzen. Ebenso Patienten, Angehörige und Freunde in einer durch Krankheit und Unsicherheit geprägten Lebensphase emotional unterstützen und ihnen dafür diese Plattform bieten.

Unsere Dienstleistungen beinhalten:

  • Beratung, Unterstützung bei der Krankheitsbewältigung (per Telefon, Email, persönlich)
  • Gesprächsgruppen in verschiedenen Schweizer Regionen.

Diese Treffen geben Lymphompatienten und ihren Angehörigen die Möglichkeit, sich aktiv und konstruktiv mit der Krankheit auseinanderzusetzen, in gegenseitigen Gesprächen zu lernen, die Krankheit besser zu verstehen, und trotz Krankheit die Lebensqualität und Freude zu bewahren.

  • Erstellung und Verteilung von Informationsmaterial (Broschüren, Flyer) über verschiedene Lymphomtypen sowie CLL, Hautlymphome und MDS.
  • INFO
  • Website
  • Erfahrungs- und Informationsaustausch mit anderen Patientenorganisationen im hämatologischen Bereich, um das Netzwerk zu erweitern und Kräfte zu bündeln.
  • Organisation von Patientensymposien, wie anlässlich des Welt-Lymphom-Tages WLAD, um das Bewusstsein für die Krankheit zu stärken
  • Teilnahme an Kongressen, medizinischen Veranstaltungen und Beiratstätigkeit

Wir stellen MDS-Patienten und deren Angehörigen Informationsbroschüren zur Verfügung. Folgende Broschüren unserer deutschen Freunde sind bei uns erhältlich:

Kontakt : Rosmarie Pfau
Email : / +41 61 421 09 27

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Patient Telephone Helpline
Information Packs
Information Packs

HematologickyPacient – Association of Patients with Hematological Maligancies

Our mission is to actively represent and promote the interests of patients in the exercise of their right to health care, leading to prolonging life and improving its quality.

We listen to patients, find answers to their questions, and help them get the best possible treatment.

We work with top Slovak hematologists and monitor current scientific work on the treatment and research of hematological diseases. All important news about haematological malignancies can be found on our website and in the information materials.

Our helpline supports patients to keep with their treatment regimen. We provide with the information and support them to get the medication right.

We provide patients with legal advice. Our website provides practical advice and guidance on how to address the financial and social difficulties caused by the illness.

We help patients to get the right treatment – on our website and in our information materials, they find detailed information on the different options for treating their disease as well as on whether this treatment is covered by health insurance companies and under what conditions.

We also put together the medical and legal arguments and represent individuals who need treatment that is not covered by their health insurance. We turn to a health insurance company and look for other solutions to mediate the treatment on behalf of patients.

Kontakt :
Email : / 0800 007 694


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Patient Meetings
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Patient Telephone Helpline
Information Packs
Information Packs
Attendance at Congresses
Attendance at Congresses
Newsletter, Web-forum, Advocacy, Awareness
Newsletter, Web-forum, Advocacy, Awareness

Slovenian lymphoma and leukemia patient association, L&L

The Slovenian Association of Patients with Lymphoma and Leukemia, L & L, was founded on May 15, 2007.


  • Informing and raising public awareness of lymphomas, leukemia and other blood diseases,
  • The quest for the early detection of lymphomas, leukemia and other blood diseases, and the best diagnostic treatment and treatment of patients,
  • The pursuit of comprehensive care for patients during and after treatment,
  • Informing and assisting patients and their relatives during treatment,
  • Care for patients to understand the proposed methods of treatment and to participate in clinical trials at home and abroad,
  • Raising awareness of their rights in the field of health and social care and education,
  • Advocating for a correct and human attitude towards the patient by all the participating institutions in the process of healing, rehabilitation and return to the working, social and educational environment,
  • Raising awareness of the importance of donation of blood-forming stem cells,
  • Promoting the spread of the Slovenian register of blood donor stem cell donors,
  • Organization of professional lectures, conferences and congresses for patients and relatives in the field of health and a healthy lifestyle, organization of workshops, sports and cultural events, etc.,
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • Developing and organizing self-help and volunteering.

Kontakt : Kristina Modic / Brina Zagar
Email : / +38 640240950

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Patient Meetings
Patient Telephone Helpline
Patient Telephone Helpline
Information Packs
Information Packs
Attendance at Congresses
Attendance at Congresses


La Asociación Española de Afectados por Linfoma, Mieloma y Leucemia fue constituida por pacientes el 8 de Octubre de 2002 y es una asociación de ámbito nacional declarada de Utilidad Pública por el Gobierno Español.

Con los años, AEAL ha comenzado a trabajar con pacientes con diagnóstico de diversas patologías oncohematológicas tales como linfoma, leucemia, mieloma, síndromes mielodisplásicos y síndromes mieloproliferativos.

Los objetivos de AEAL son la formación, información y ayuda a pacientes oncohematológicos y sus familiares; prestando asistencia telefónica, apoyo psicológico, asesoramiento jurídico, apoyo social e información para los pacientes en el diagnóstico y los tratamientos sobre sus enfermedades. AEAL está gestionada principalmente por pacientes que desarrollan su actividad en calidad de voluntarios ofreciendo información y apoyo emocional. Siendo estos servicios y actividades gratuitos para los pacientes y sus familiares.

AEAL (Spanish Group of Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia patients and relatives) was constituted by patients on October 8th, 2002 and is a nation-wide association declared of Public Utility by the Government of Spain.

Over the years, AEAL has begun working with patients diagnosed with various pathologies oncohematological such as lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative neoplasms.

AEAL goals are training, information and support of oncohematological patients and their relatives providing phone assistance, psychological support, legal advice, social support and information for patients about their diseases, diagnosis and treatments. AEAL is mainly managed by patients who develop their activities as volunteers offering information and emotional support. Services and activities for patients and relatives are free of charge.

Kontakt : Begoña Barragán - Presidenta
Email : / 91 563 18 01

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AELCLÉS is a non-profit Spanish network of Entities founded in 2009, formed from a group of associations with a shared objective: to help patients and their families affected by blood cancer diseases to regain their health by supporting them throughout their treatment. Speaking as one united voice and driven by the social needs of patients and their families. We seek to improve their quality of life and place essential emphasis on support for research.

Additionally, a prime objective of AELCLÉS is to raise the profile of Leukemia, Myeloma, Lymphoma, and other blood diseases disorders and make people aware of the importance of donating blood, bone marrow, and blood from an umbilical cord.

AELCLÉS es una red española de Entidades sin ánimo de lucro fundada en 2009, formada a partir de un grupo de asociaciones con un objetivo común: ayudar a los pacientes y sus familiares afectados por enfermedades oncohematógicas de la sangre a recuperar su salud apoyándolos durante todo su tratamiento. Hablando como una sola voz e impulsado por las necesidades sociales de los pacientes y sus familias. Buscamos mejorar su calidad de vida y ponemos un énfasis fundamental en el apoyo a la investigación.

Además, un objetivo principal de AELCLÉS es elevar el perfil de la leucemia, mieloma, linfoma y otras enfermedades de la sangre y concienciar a las personas sobre la importancia de donar sangre, médula ósea y sangre de un cordón umbilical.

Elena Palma

Kontakt : Elena Palma
Email : / 0034 649450882

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Korea Blood Disease and Cancer Association

We will work hard to give blood diseases and cancer patients a better environment.

The crisis of losing one’s health can come without warning. It brings pain, despair and misery to our lives. However, there is no crisis that cannot be overcome.

Today, with the development of new medicines, the rate of cure and the quality of life of blood cancer patients is getting higher and higher. Therefore, sharing the experiences of patients with the same disease brings seeds of hopes for blood cancer patients and their families.

The Korean Society of Blood and Cancer is a non-profit organization that helps patients to cope with the disease through economic and emotional support and work on a variety of disease education programs to help people understand the disease and make their life better. We make periodical publications and distribute them free of charge. We take part in international organizations and conferences in the USA, Japan, Europe, etc. looking at keeping up-to-date and provide better support programs.

Chul Hwan Lee - Exec Director
Wonyoung Jang - General Manager

Kontakt : Chul Hwan Lee (Exec Director) / Wonyoung Jang (General Manager of KBDCA) Tel +82 2 3432 0807
Email : / +82 2 3432 0807


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DIAGNOZA LEUKEMIE, z.s. is a patient-governed society supporting patients with leukemias and
blood malignancies and their family in the Czech Republic. Evolving from a chronic myeloid
leukemia support organisation – Diagnoza CML (2006-2014) and expanding its activities while
following its mission:

  • source of disease and treatment-related knowledge for patients and their caregivers
  • platform for patients’and family members’ socialising (Regional meetings)
  • connecting patients to experts and improving doctor-patient dialogue
  • improving patients’ legal empowerment
  • representing patients’ perspective in debate with other stakeholders within the healthcare
  • activities at international level

DIAGNOZA LEUKEMIE, z.s. je pacienty řízený spolek na pomoc pacientům s leukemiemi a
zhoubným onemocněním krvetvorby a jejich rodinným příslušníkům v roli pečovatelů, působící v
České republice. Původní organizace podporující pacienty s chronickou myeloidní leukemií
(Diagnóza CML, 2006-2014) rozšířila svoji činnost při zachování své mise:

  • jakožto zdroje informací o onemocnění pro pacienty a jejich příbuzné v roli pečovatelů
  • poskytování příležitostí k vzájemné výměně zkušeností mezi pacienty (Regionální setkání)
  • napojení na odborníky a zlepšování dialogu lékař-pacient
  • zlešování právního povědomí pacientů
  • hájení zájmu pacientů v debatě se všemi zainteresovanými stranami v oblasti zdravotnictví
  • činnost na mezinárodním poli

Kontakt : Jana Pelouchova
Email : / +420 728308360

Magyar Onkohematológiai Betegekért Alapítvány (MOHA) – Foundation for Hungarian Oncohaematological Patients

Sadly, the Foundation for Hungarian Oncohematology Patients (MOHA) has now ceased its activities, due to lack of funding. The MOHA operated for seven years and provided much needed support to adult hematopoietic patients, including mental health care and credible disease information in Hungary. The MOHA is grateful for the all the stakeholders and volunteers who supported them over the years – their work has not been in vain. Thank you to Ibolya for the many years of collaboration with the MDS Alliance.

The MDS Alliance would be keen to provide guidance and support to those interested in establishing a new support group that serves patients in Hungary, please contact us if you are interested.

Kontakt :
Email :

Vereinigte Staaten

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Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation

The Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation is the world’s leading non-profit health organization dedicated to supporting patients and their families who are living with aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and related bone marrow failure diseases.

We are a patient-focused, patient-centered organization serving patients and families throughout the three phases of bone marrow failure diseases:

  • The life-changing phase of diagnosis
  • The life threatening phase of treatment
  • The lifelong phase of living with a chronic disease

The Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation provides answers, support and hope to thousands of patients and their families around the world.

Kontakt : Desiree Ruiters
Email : / (800) 747-2820 | (301) 279-7202

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Attendance at Congresses

MDS Foundation, Inc.

The MDS Foundation, Inc. is an international organization established in 1994 by world renowned researchers dedicated to further scientific knowledge, patient support, and education in the myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).

The Foundation is based on the premise that international cooperation will accelerate the process leading to the control and cure of MDS. The Foundation provides research grants for scientific investigators, sponsors international working groups of scientists and physicians to further diagnostic, prognostic and treatment techniques, and disseminates information on state of the art research, clinical trials and treatments among the profesional and patient communities.

The Foundation also refers patients to its collection of ‘MDS Centers of Excellence,’ maintains an electronic fórum on its website for interaction and Support among patients, and provides educational programs for both health care professionals and patients and their families.

Kontakt : Tracey Iraca, Executive Director
Email : / 1-(800)-637-0839 (inside the US) 1-609-298-1035 (outside the US)

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Patient meetings
Patient meetings
Telephone helpline
Telephone helpline
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Information packs
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Attendance at congresses
We have an online community through mylifeline with over 30,000 members as well as an online research survey project called the Cancer Experience Registry open to anyone with a diagnosis of cancer and their caregivers.

Cancer Support Community (CSC)

The Cancer Support Community (CSC) is a global non-profit network of 175 locations, including CSC and Gilda’s Club centers, hospital and clinic partnerships, and satellite locations that deliver more than $50 million in free support services to patients and families.

The in-person locations alone record 500,000 visits each year. In addition, CSC administers a toll-free helpline
and produces award-winning educational resources that, together with the locations, reach more than one million people each year. Formed in 2009 by the merger of The Wellness Community and Gilda’s Club, CSC also conducts cutting-edge research on the emotional, psychological, and financial journey of cancer patients.

In addition, CSC advocates at all levels of government for policies to help individuals whose lives have been disrupted by cancer. In January 2018, CSC welcomed Denver-based nonprofit, a digital community that
includes 35,000 patients, caregivers, and their supporters that will enable CSC to scale its digital services in an innovative, groundbreaking way.

Kontakt : Heather Badt
Email : / (888) 793-9355

Vereinigtes Königreich

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MDS UK Patient Support Group

We are the only group dedicated solely to MDS in the UK.
“Support, Information, Awareness and Campaigns for those affected by Myelodysplastic Syndromes”.

The majority of our committee members are either MDS patients themselves or relatives of a patient.

We were formally set up in 2008 and have two full-time employees as well as a part-time volunteer.

We are funded by donations, fundraisers and pharmaceutical grants.

We are delighted to cooperate with other MDS groups anywhere in the world – and look forward to meeting any new members to share best practices.

Our aims are:

  • To provide a networking service through which those newly diagnosed with MDS can share their experience with fellow sufferers.
  • To provide a help and advice telephone line 5 days a week.
  • To organise several national patient information meetings with specialist speakers.
  • To help patients create small regional support group meetings, to meet informally – or organise activities or small presentations.
  • To distribute information and raise awareness of MDS among patients, carers and health care professionals across the UK.
  • To provide access to a list of UK consultants, specialising in MDS.
  • To develop and maintain a website, providing information on MDS, latest news or research and clinical trials and a very active Patients Forum.
  • To run two Facebook pages (one public, one per invitation only) and a Twitter account.
  • To fund a research activity in MDS, that will benefit patients

Kontakt : Sophie Wintrich
Email : / +44 20 7733 7558
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